About us
Vocational Education Centre in Bialystok (ZDZ) is non-governmental, educational institution established on the 4th of July 1945. The association has a multiannual experience and tradition in the educational and training field in the north-eastern Poland, being there the unquestionable market leader. As its mission company holds the professional training of adults – both the workers and the unemployed. Moreover, there are trainings of the youth in the most wanted, occupational domains, and also courses for the teaching personnel in the Teachers’ Training Centres.
ZDZ in Bialystok, as a first training institution in the region, obtained in 2003 Certificate of the Quality System, (in accordance with PN-EN ISO 9001: 2009 norm), and international Certificate of the Quality Control System IQNet, what additionally promotes the company and raises its prestige in the local and international arena. Furthermore, ZDZ is a member of the Cisco Networking Academy, holds its own Local Academy, and belongs to the National Service System for SME. All this certificates, confirms and guarantees the highest level of educational and training services of ZDZ.
ZDZ in Białystok has got 15 OKZ (Vocational Training Centres), which are located in the Podlasie Region cities: Augustów, Białystok, Bielsk Podlaski, Grajewo, Hajnówka, Siemiatycze, Sokółka, Suwałki, Zambrów and partly in Warmia-Mazury Region cities: Ełk, Giżycko, Gołdap, Olecko, Pisz, Węgorzewo. By the Vocational Training Centres there are also private schools, working on the terms of public schools. ZDZ has its own training facilities, with professionally equipped rooms, and lecture-halls with audiovisual and computer hardware and teaching aids necessary for proper vocational training. In our Centres are ECDL Laboratories and Examination Centres. We are authorized by IMBiGS to provide education operators of machine and road construction.